How do i retain numbers while preprocessing data using gensim in python?

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I have used gensim.utils.simple_preprocess(str(sentence) to create a dictionary of words that I want to use for topic modelling. However, this is also filtering important numbers (house resolutions, bill no, etc) that I really need. How did I overcome this? Possibly by replacing digits with their word form. How do i go about it, though?


There are 1 answers


You don't have to use simple_preprocess() - it's not doing much, it's not that configurable or sophisticated, and typically the other Gensim algorithms just need lists-of-tokens.

So, choose your own tokenization - which in some cases, depnding on your source data, could be as simple as a .split() on whitespace.

If you want to look at what simple_preprocess() does, as a model, you can view its Python source at: