I have an app and I'm trying to remove Clerk Auth login from two pages where I want to user to freely access.
The code I have is:
"use client";
import { useProModal } from "@/hooks/use-pro-modal";
import { useSignedInModal } from "@/hooks/use-signed-in-modal";
import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
import { Home, Plus, Settings, Lock, FileText } from "lucide-react";
import { usePathname, useRouter } from "next/navigation";
interface SidebarProps {
isPro: boolean;
companionId: string | undefined;
userId: string | undefined;
function Sidebar({ isPro, companionId, userId }: SidebarProps) {
const pathname = usePathname();
const router = useRouter();
const proModal = useProModal();
const signedInModal = useSignedInModal();
const routes = [
icon: Home,
href: "/",
label: "Home",
pro: false,
icon: Plus,
href: "/companion/new",
label: "Create",
pro: true,
icon: Settings,
href: "/settings",
label: "Settings",
pro: false,
icon: FileText,
href: "/privacypolicy",
label: "Privacy Policy",
pro: false,
icon: Lock,
href: "/termsofservice",
label: "Terms of Service",
pro: false,
const onNavigate = (url: string, pro: boolean, label: string) => {
if (label === "Privacy Policy" || label === "Terms of Service") {
return router.push(url);
if (!userId) {
return signedInModal.onOpen();
if (
label === "Create" &&
companionId &&
userId !== "user_2Uea7sTHE5XHMPMoibjEduqJP7y"
) {
return router.push("/companion/" + companionId);
return router.push(url);
return (
<div className="space-y-4 flex flex-col h-full text-primary bg-secondary">
<div className="p-3 flex flex-1 justify-center">
<div className="space-y-2">
{routes.map((route) => (
onClick={() => onNavigate(route.href, route.pro, route.label)}
"text-muted-foreground text-xs group flex p-3 w-full justify-start font-medium cursor-pointer hover:text-primary hover:bg-primary/10 rounded-lg transition",
pathname === route.href && "bg-primary/10 text-primary"
<div className="flex flex-col gap-y-2 items-center flex-1">
<route.icon className="h-5 w-5" />
export default Sidebar;
It seems that when I access those links it leads to the clerk login which I do not want. I want the user to access the privacypolicy and termsofservice without logging in or any authentication. How can I do this? Resolution?
I don't think you're showing the whole code, it should have something like
which you might want to relocate so that it your Public page would not be inside of<SignedIn>
componentExample is having a
would have the<SignedIn>
would not have any to avoid the redirection.