How do I query for item based on id from many to many relationships in TypeORM

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I am attempting to query for notes inside a search function, however the notes may have a many to many relationship with groups and I need to first restrict the search by group id.

Notes entity:

export class NoteEntity {
  id: string;

   * Associations
  @ManyToOne(() => UserEntity, (user) => user.notes)
  user: UserEntity;

  @ManyToMany(() => GroupEntity, (group) => group.notes)
  groups: GroupEntity[];

  @ManyToOne(() => MediaEntity, (media) => media.notes, { nullable: true })
  media: MediaEntity;

  @OneToMany(() => CommentEntity, (comment) => comment.note, { nullable: true })
  comments: CommentEntity[];

group entity

export class GroupEntity {
  id: string;

   * Associations
  @ManyToOne(() => UserEntity, (user) => user.groups)
  user: UserEntity;

  @ManyToMany(() => NoteEntity, (note) => note.groups)
  notes: NoteEntity[];

  @ManyToMany(() => MediaEntity, (media) => media.groups)
  medias: MediaEntity[];

What I have tried

The function below returns the notes by search query correctly, however I have not been able to figure out how to isolate the notes by the group id from the many to many relationships.

public async search(userId: string, query: { search: string }) {
  const queryBuilder = this.dataSource.createQueryBuilder(NoteEntity, "note");

    .where("note.user = :id", { id: userId })
    // tried adding various andWhere clauses and join

    .andWhere("LOWER(note.title) LIKE :s OR LOWER(note.note) LIKE :s", {
      s: `%${}%`,

  return await queryBuilder.getMany();

Thank you for any assistance in advance.


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