How do I push the result of this complex command line grep statement to mysql database?

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This code searches through website html files and extracts a list of domain names...

httrack --skeleton -V "cat \$0" | grep -iEo '[[:alnum:]-]+\.(com|net|org)'

The result looks like this.


I plan to use this code on very large websites, therefore this will generate a very large list of domain names. In addition, the above code generates a lot of duplicate domain names. Therefore, I setup a mysql database with a unique field so duplicates will not be inserted.

Using my limited knowledge of programming I hacked together this line below, but this is not working. When I execute the command, I get no error, just a new command prompt of > and a blinking cursor. I assume I'm not using the correct syntax or methodology, and/or maybe what I want to do is not possible via command line. Any help is much appreciated.

httrack --skeleton -V "cat \$0" | domain=“$(grep -iEo '[[:alnum:]-]+\.(com|net|org)’)” | mysql -pPASSWORD -e "INSERT INTO (domains) VALUES ($domain)”

And yes, my database name is domains, and my table name is domains, and my field name is domains.


There are 1 answers

Jonathan Leffler On

Judging from the MySQL syntax for INSERT:

    [INTO] tbl_name
    [PARTITION (partition_name,…)] 
    {VALUES | VALUE} ({expr | DEFAULT},…),(…),…

you need to convert the domain names into parenthesized, quoted, comma separated items:


and then attach this list to the end of the INSERT statement you generated.

httrack --skeleton -V "cat \$0" |
grep -iEo '[[:alnum:]-]+\.(com|net|org)’ |
sort -u |
sed -e "s/.*/,('&')/" -e '1s/,/INSERT IGNORE INTO VALUES /' |
mysql -pPASSWORD

The sort -u ensures that the names are unique. The first -e to sed converts the contents of a line (e.g. into ,('; the second -e removes the comma of the first line (added by the first -e) and replaces it with the INSERT prefix. The IGNORE in the INSERT statement means that if a domain is already in the table, the new entry will be ignored.

Clearly, if the number of domains generated is too large for a valid SQL statement in MySQL, you'll have to do some splitting of the data, but you're likely to be able to process a few thousand domains at a time.