How do I parse weeks-in-year with boost::date_time?

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I want to parse strings that consist of a 4-digit year and the week number within the year. I've followed the boost date/time IO tutorial, producing a test example like this:

std::string week_format = "%Y-W%W";
boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char> week_facet =     boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char>(week_format);

std::stringstream input_ss;
input_ss.imbue(locale(input_ss.getloc(), &week_facet));

std::string input_week = "2004-W34";

boost::gregorian::date input_date;
input_ss >> input_date;

Unfortunately, input_date just prints as "2004-01-01", implying that it just parsed the year. What am I doing wrong? Is %W not available on input? (The documentation doesn't mark it as such.)


There are 1 answers

HostileFork says dont trust SE On BEST ANSWER

You are correct that the documentation doesn't mark it as such in the "Format Flags" section (no "!" next to it...)

But that seems to be an oversight. Because in Boost's format_date_parser.hpp there is no coverage for this case in can look at the switch statement and see that:

Despite the absence of any code to do it, even the comments in the source say it handles %W and %U on parse input. What's up with that? :-/

On another note, I believe week_facet needs to be dynamically allocated in your example:

std::string week_format = "%Y-W%W";
boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char>* week_facet =
    new boost::date_time::date_input_facet<boost::gregorian::date, char>(

std::stringstream input_ss;
input_ss.imbue(std::locale(input_ss.getloc(), week_facet));

(Or at least I had to do it that way to keep the example from crashing.)