How do I open a child document of a granted URI using ACTION_VIEW?

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Simple file explorer which shows a folder contents and allow user open any file with another app depending of the mime type

The expected behavior:

  • Click in a button that launch OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE activity
  • User select a folder A
  • Display all folder A contents in a list view
  • When user click in a list item, launch ACTION_VIEW to open the file document inside another app that support rendering the contents

What I got actually:

  • In the last step, the SecurityException is being thrown

The generation of my intent looks like:

fun someOfGrantedUris(): Uri {
  // These Uris were returned by `ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE` activity
  val grantedUris = contentResolver.persistedUriPermissions
  return grantedUris[0] // Consider this a Uri always not null and valid

val parentDocument = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(someOfGrantedUris())

val childDocument = parentDocument.listFiles()[0] // First child document

val uri = childDocument.uri

val intent =
  Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW).apply {

    // This is the same of just `uriWithProviderScheme = uri`
    // but in this way I can change any part of the Uri to test and debug
    val uriWithProviderScheme = Uri.Builder().let {

  setDataAndType(uriWithProviderScheme, type)

But when I try to start this activity:

try {
  // This is not native Android but a Flutter plugin
  plugin.binding?.activity?.startActivity(intent, null)
} catch (e: SecurityException) {
  // I always fall here
  • I have all runtime permissions already granted: READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

  • I can also delete the child document by using childDocument.delete() it works fine, but when I try to launch it on ACTION_VIEW a SecurityException is thrown, why?

class java.lang.SecurityException: UID 10498 does not have permission to content:// [user 0]; you could obtain access using ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT or related APIs

Even though we can try to use ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT this is not what I'm looking for since I already requested permissions before with ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE and by the docs:

Grant access to a directory's contents: The ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT_TREE intent action, available on Android 5.0 (API level 21) and higher, allows users to select a specific directory, granting your app access to all of the files and sub-directories within that directory.


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