output printing the len of arrival and service timesI am trying to implement an M/M/1 markovian process with exponential inter arrival and exponential service times using simpy. The code runs fine but I dont quite get the expected results. Also the number of list items in arrival times is lesser than the number of list items in service time after the code is run.
# make a markovian queue
# make a server as a resource
# make customers at random times
# record the customer arrival time
# customer gets the resource
# record when the customer got the resource
# serve the customers for a random time using resource
# save this random time as service time
# customer yields the resource and next is served
import statistics
import simpy
import random
arrival_time = []
service_time = []
mean_service = 2.0
mean_arrival = 1.0
num_servers = 1
class Markovian(object):
def __init__(self, env, num_servers):
self.env = env
self.servers = simpy.Resource(env, num_servers)
#self.action = env.process(self.run())
def server(self,packet ):
#timeout after random service time
t = random.expovariate(1.0/mean_service)
yield self.env.timeout(t)
def getting_service(env, packet, markovian):
# new packet arrives in the system
arrival_time = env.now
with markovian.servers.request() as req:
yield req
yield env.process(markovian.server(packet))
service_time.append(env.now - arrival_time)
def run_markovian(env,num_servers):
markovian = Markovian(env,num_servers)
packet = 0
#generate new packets
while True:
t = random.expovariate(1.0/mean_arrival)
yield env.timeout(t)
packet +=1
def get_average_service_time(service_time):
average_service_time = statistics.mean(service_time)
return average_service_time
def main():
env= simpy.Environment()
env.run(until = 50)
print (arrival_time)
print (service_time)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Hello there were basically one bug in your code and two queuing theory misconceptions:
Bug 1) the definition of the servers were inside the class, this makes the model behaves as a M/M/inf not M/M/1
Answer: I put the definition of your resources out the the class, and pass the servers not the num_servers from now on.
Misconception 1: with the times as you defined:
mean_service = 2.0 mean_arrival = 1.0
The system will generate much more packets and it is able to serve. That's why the size of the lists were so different.
Answer: mean_service = 1.0 mean_arrival = 2.0
Misconception 2:
What you call service time in your code is actually system time.
I also put some prints in your code so we could see that is doing. Fell free to comment them. And there is no need for the library Statistics, so I commented it too.
I hope this answer is useful to you.