How do I make screen readers read my WPF message similarly to how they read Win32 MessageBox?

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We have a WPF desktop application which needs to show some custom message windows. I am having trouble getting them to be read aloud properly by screen readers such as JAWS from Freedom Scientific.

I want to achieve the same behavior as when showing a system message box. For comparison, System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("my message", "My Caption); is announced by JAWS as "My caption dialog. My message. OK Button". This is perfect.

When my message windows are opened (containing only a TextBlock and OK Button), the window title is announced and the OK button is announced as having focus but the TextBlock message is not announced.

Here's a simple test application which shows the issue. Our real app has icons and other status text, of course.

<Window x:Class="Jaws_MessageBox_Test.MyMessageBox"
        Title="MyMessageBox" Height="300" Width="300">
            <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
        <TextBlock x:Name="mainLabel" Grid.Row="0">Hi there, this is a test to see if JAWS will read the main textbloc when shown.</TextBlock>
        <Button Grid.Row="1" Margin="5" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Padding="10,0,10,0"  IsDefault="True" x:Name="closeButton" Click="closeButton_Click">_Close</Button>

When I show this using:

var mb = new MyMessageBox();

The screen reader announces: "MyMessageBox. Close Button" so it's not reading the TextBlock like the system message box does.

What I've found using the Windows SDK inspect and accevent tools is that

  • The system message box accessibility type is 'Dialog' but the WPF dialog's accessibility type is 'Window'. This might matter. There is no UI Automation Control Type of Dialog . Is this a bug or limitation in WPF perhaps?

  • I have tried setting various 'AutomationProperties' attached properties on my window so that the AutomationPeer will have better info but none of those are read when the ShowDialog runs.

  • Since TextBlock cannot receive input focus, there's no way to even get the text read by tabbing. I temporarily use a read-only TextBox instead to get focus but the experience is still wrong and our blind users should not have to tab around just to have a simple status message read to them.

  • As part of the experimenting, I also tried creating my own derived AutomationPeer for the message window but none of the Core method content is read automatically when the dialog is launched. The automation child list does have the title bar object listed as the first child whereas that's the last child for the system message box though I don't see a way to change that right now.

I'd greatly appreciate any help for creating a WPF-based custommessage box with full, proper accessibility for blind users.


There are 6 answers


You have to tell the automation API that your Window is a MessageBox. To do that add this code to your Window

protected override AutomationPeer OnCreateAutomationPeer()
    return new MessageBoxWindowAutomationPeer(this);

and add this class to your project

public class MessageBoxWindowAutomationPeer : WindowAutomationPeer
    private const string WC_DIALOG = "#32770";

    public MessageBoxWindowAutomationPeer(Window owner)
        : base(owner)

    protected override string GetClassNameCore()
        return WC_DIALOG;

    protected override string GetLocalizedControlTypeCore()
        return "Dialogfeld";

    protected override bool IsContentElementCore()
        return true;

    protected override bool IsControlElementCore()
        return true;

As we don't need localization in our app "DialogFeld" is the german localized control type. Localizing that one is the part you would have to find out by yourself. ;-)

DaveM121 On

OK from reading around the problem is with Jaws not WPF, as it tends not to read static text on Labels and TextBlocks - strange behaviour.

A workaround might be to use a TextBox, set the BorderStyle = None and place a rectangle on top of it, with fill = White, Opacity = 0.01. This will stop the user being able to focus on the TextBox and means the text will not be static and Jaws should read the text automatically . . .

DaveM121 On

One thing, does it have to be Jaws that reads the Dialogs that your App pops up?

Have you looked at using system.speech.synthesis.speechsynthesizer to speak the text when the dialog pops up - just a thought!

DaveM121 On

Set the AutomationProperties.HelpText on the run inside the Textblock

So for Example:

    <Run Text="aTextString" AutomationProperties.HelpText="ATextString"/>


    <Run Text="aTextString" AutomationProperties.HelpText="{Binding Text, RelativeSource={RelativeSource self}}"/>
shubham pagui On

I don't know if this is correct solution but this works as required on JAWS 18.

<Window ...>
        <TextBlock Name="MessageText" ... />
        <Button Name="OKButton" ...../>

and then focusing the button when window is loaded. So I wrapped stackpanel inside the usercontrol element.

Adam On

The solution in my case was to focus the "Close" button in a dialog Window Loaded event handler, that is, to call closeButton.Focus() once the dialog is loaded. Somehow this makes the JAWS screen reader announce all text in the dialog, including the text of the TextBlock element. The NVDA screen reader in my case does not need such fix.

Modified XAML of the dialog will look as follows (theLoaded="MyMessageBox_Loaded" attribute has been added for the Window element):

<Window x:Class="Jaws_MessageBox_Test.MyMessageBox"
        Title="MyMessageBox" Height="300" Width="300"
            <RowDefinition Height="*"></RowDefinition>
            <RowDefinition Height="Auto"></RowDefinition>
        <TextBlock x:Name="mainLabel" Grid.Row="0">Hi there, this is a test to see if JAWS will read the main textbloc when shown.</TextBlock>
        <Button Grid.Row="1" Margin="5" HorizontalAlignment="Right" Padding="10,0,10,0"  IsDefault="True" x:Name="closeButton" Click="closeButton_Click">_Close</Button>

Then C# code will look like this:

public partial class MyMessageBox : Window

    // ...
    public MyMessageBox()

    private void MyMessageBox_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

    // ...
