Is there a module that can make different registration forms for different roles during sign up? (ex. each Editor,Main User,Sub User role have different form)
how do i make diffrent registration form in drupal?
2.9k views Asked by MJH At
There are 3 answers

Here is some idea how to solve your question in drupal 7(I think it should work in drupal 6 also). However its not safe since anyone can just change the role they have:
function my_module_form_user_register_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
$company_role = $form_state['build_info']['args'][0];
$form['account']['company_role'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Company role'),
'#options' => drupal_map_assoc(array('editor','main user','Sub User')),
'#description' => t('Please select your company role'),
"#empty_option" =>t('- Select -'),
'#weight' => -11, // Add the select box above username that have weight -10
switch (strtolower($company_role)) {
case 'editor':
// add extra fields for editor
$form['account']['company_role']['#default_value'] = $company_role;
case 'main user':
// add extra fields for main
$form['account']['company_role']['#default_value'] = $company_role;
case 'sub user';
// add extra fields for 'Sub User'
$form['account']['company_role']['#default_value'] = $company_role;
$form['account']['company_role']['#empty_option'] = t('- Select -');
$company_role = null;// error handling or default case
If you for example have LDAP in your company you could instead get this information from LDAP( Then you can be more sure about the role is chosen correctly.

Here's what you should do
- start with install profile2-7.x-1.2.tar.gz.
- entity-7.x-1.0-rc3.tar.gz once you have profile2 installed -->
- enable --> click on configure - (Here you see your profile types -add as many as you want).
when you add a new one or modify the existing one "Main" make sure you check "Provide a separate page for editing profiles." 4. Now to have different registration, login and password change pages install and enable profile2_regpath-7.x-1.9.tar.gz Now visit the profile Types Page again here you should see "UNIQUE REGISTRATION PATH" .. rest is easy ..
There is :)
to assign by path you will also need Content Profile:
check out this tutorial on how to pull it off: