how do I make a swiftui viewmodifier that accepts any object?

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I have a quite few reusable viewmodifiers in my projects, but I have never been able to make one that accepts any object instead of a specific object.

Fx. in below viewmodifier, how would I make it accept any object instead of just "StopContent" so I didn't have to write a new viewModifier each time I wanted to use it on a new object?

struct DragToDeleteContent: ViewModifier {
    let stopContent:StopContent
    @Binding var contentArray: [StopContent]
    @State private var deleted:Bool = false
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        return content
            .dragToDelete(deleted: $deleted)
            .onChange(of: deleted, perform: { deleted in
                if deleted { delete() }
    func delete() {
        if let arrayIndex = contentArray.firstIndex(of: stopContent) {
            contentArray.remove(at: arrayIndex)

There are 1 answers

Raja Kishan On BEST ANSWER

Every model confirms with Identifiable protocol so you can make it generic by Identifiable.

here is the possible solution

struct DragToDeleteContent<T: Identifiable>: ViewModifier {
    let stopContent: T
    @Binding var contentArray: [T]
    @State private var deleted:Bool = false
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        return content
            .dragToDelete(deleted: $deleted)
            .onChange(of: deleted, perform: { deleted in
                if deleted { delete() }
    func delete() {
        if let arrayIndex = contentArray.firstIndex(where: {$ ==}) {
            contentArray.remove(at: arrayIndex)

Data Model

struct TestModel: Identifiable {
    var id = UUID()
    var name: String


}.modifier(DragToDeleteContent(stopContent: TestModel(name: "Abc"), contentArray: .constant([.init(name: "Xyz"), .init(name: "opq")]))) // I used .constant for the demo purpose. Bind you Identifiable array here.