I'm new to bash and trying to make a script of counting up in binary (0001, 0010 0011 etc.) but I have no idea how to do this, all help appreciated!
Study this code:
#!/bin/bash BINARIES=(0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100 1101 1110 1111) function convert_to_binary { local hex i j printf -v hex %x "$1" __= for (( i = 0, j = ${#hex}; i < j; ++i )); do __+=${BINARIES[$(( 16#${hex:i:1} ))]} done } for (( i = 0; i < 20; ++i )); do convert_to_binary "$i" printf "%8s : %16s\n" "$i" "$__" done for (( i = 0; i < 10; ++i )); do n=$RANDOM convert_to_binary "$n" printf "%8s : %16s\n" "$n" "$__" done
0 : 0000 1 : 0001 2 : 0010 3 : 0011 4 : 0100 5 : 0101 6 : 0110 7 : 0111 8 : 1000 9 : 1001 10 : 1010 11 : 1011 12 : 1100 13 : 1101 14 : 1110 15 : 1111 16 : 00010000 17 : 00010001 18 : 00010010 19 : 00010011 27567 : 0110101110101111 21967 : 0101010111001111 27236 : 0110101001100100 28892 : 0111000011011100 23511 : 0101101111010111 6472 : 0001100101001000 20723 : 0101000011110011 8215 : 0010000000010111 7092 : 0001101110110100 9957 : 0010011011100101
Read the Bash Manual and printf(3).
Study this code:
Read the Bash Manual and