Hopefully the question explains it well. I have a DB for a Library. Since they can be used many times, and contains more data than just a name, I have a table for Authors. Then there's a table for Books. I have no problem linking Authors to Books via a column called Author_id.
What I'm trying to do is have a column called Author_IDs that contains a list of id's, since a book can have multiple IDs. In the Author_IDs column I have:
Using the ExtractValue function in MySQL I can link the table with one or the other id using: WHERE Author.id = ExtractValue(Book.Author_IDs,"/id[2]") // to get the second ID.
My question is, I want to be able to automatically display all of the authors of a book, but don't know how to link to it more than once, without looping. How can I get the results to show me all of the authors?
(Or is there a better way to accomplish this?)
Firstly, I have to vote against your storage method. Storing data as xml inside a mysql column should be avoided if possible. If you use a normal approach you will find this problem to be much easier.
Create a table:
Then to get all of the authors associated with a certain book it's a simple query.