I want to know how to interpret output from a meta-analytical model with a categorical fixed factor. The model is quadratic.
I have ran the following meta-analytical regression model
rma.mv(es, V, mod= ~poly(c_treattemp, degree=2, raw=TRUE) * Life.stage.of.animal, random= list(~ 1|study_code, ~1|obs), data= ls_data, method= "REML")
Life.stage.of.animal is a categorical fixed factor with two levels: Adults and Immature.
c_treattemp is a continuous fixed effect.
The output of my model is given below.
Looking at the last raw of my output, could you say that there was a significant difference between the quadratic response to temperature between Adults and Immature individuals with a p-value of <0.0001?
What other conclusions can I draw from this output?