How do I include section information in indexPathForSelectedRow

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I have a table with sections, populated by an array which is comprised of four arrays. How do I modify the indexPathForSelectedRow statements in the prepare for segue method to include section information?

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender 
    if ([[segue identifier]isEqualToString:@"plantSaveSegue"])
        NSIndexPath *selectedRowIndex = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
        DetailViewController *grassType = [segue destinationViewController];

        //grassType.selectedPlant = [grassArray objectAtIndex:selectedRowIndex.row];
        grassType.selectedPlant = [plantArray objectAtIndex:selectedRowIndex.row];

This works perfectly for one section, but what do I do for four sections?


There are 2 answers

Shabarinath Pabba On

Declare 2 NSIntegers in the .h file

NSInteger selectedSection;
NSInteger selectedRow;

and now in your viewDidLoad(), initialize these to "-1"

selectedSection = -1;
selectedRow = -1;

Now in

- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{

selectedSection = indexPath.section;
selectedRow = indexPath.row;

//Now performSegue here

After that

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender 
    if ([[segue identifier]isEqualToString:@"plantSaveSegue"])
        NSIndexPath *selectedRowIndex = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
        DetailViewController *grassType = [segue destinationViewController];

        if(selectedSection == 0){
             grassType.selectedPlant = [firstArray objectAtIndex:selectedRow];}
        else if(selectedSection == 1){
             grassType.selectedPlant = [secondArray objectAtIndex:selectedRow];}
        else if(selectedSection == 2){
             grassType.selectedPlant = [thirdArray objectAtIndex:selectedRow];}
        else if(selectedSection == 3{
             grassType.selectedPlant = [fourthArray objectAtIndex:selectedRow];}


Hope This Helps

user1698875 On

Thanks for all the help and guidance. The answer was distressingly simple, type in the complete and correct path for the appropriate item in the table. See below:

- (void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender
if([[segue identifier]isEqualToString:@"plantSaveSegue"])
    NSIndexPath *selectedRowIndex = [self.tableView indexPathForSelectedRow];
    DetailViewController *grassType = [segue destinationViewController];
    grassType.selectedPlant = [[plantArray objectAtIndex:selectedRowIndex.section]objectAtIndex:selectedRowIndex.row];