How do I give reference of a AutopopulatingList<ChildClass> to a List<AbstractBaseClass> in spring?

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I am trying to create a dynamically populated list using the AutoPopulatingList. I also have a form object as shown in the code below:

public class CDNoteForm{

    private AbstractCDNote cdnote;
    private List<? extends AbstractInvoiceItem> invoiceItemList ;

    public CDNoteForm() {
    public CDNoteForm(String type){
            this.invoiceItemList =  new AutoPopulatingList<CDNoteItem>(CDNoteItem.class);
        else if(type.equals("vendorcdnote")) {          
            this.invoiceItemList =  new AutoPopulatingList<VendorCDNoteItem>(VendorCDNoteItem.class);


    public AbstractCDNote getCdnote() {
        return cdnote;
    public void setCdnote(AbstractCDNote cdnote) {
        this.cdnote = cdnote;
    public List<? extends AbstractInvoiceItem> getInvoiceItemList() {
        return invoiceItemList;
    public void setInvoiceItemList(List<? extends AbstractInvoiceItem> invoiceItemList) {
        this.invoiceItemList = invoiceItemList;

The form object is being declared in a method in my controller as shown below.

@RequestMapping(value ="/cdnote/create"  , method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String getCreateCDNotePage(Model model){

    CDNoteForm cdnoteForm = new CDNoteForm("cdnote");
    model.addAttribute("CDNoteForm" , cdnoteForm);
    return "AddCDNote";

The 'invoiceItemList' is being referred in the jsp like this

<form:input type="text" id="Quantity0"  path="invoiceItemList[0].quantity" class="form-control"></form:input>                       

The two classes 'CDNoteItem' and 'VendorCDNoteItem' extend the abstract class 'AbstractInvoiceItem'. Now I don't get any error on compilation but when I try to run it and visit the page I get the following error on console.

SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet [SpringGST] in context with path [/SpringGST] threw exception [org.springframework.beans.InvalidPropertyException: Invalid property 'invoiceItemList[0]' of bean class [com.gst.FormObjects.CDNoteForm]: Illegal attempt to get property 'invoiceItemList' threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.NullValueInNestedPathException: Invalid property 'invoiceItemList' of bean class [com.gst.FormObjects.CDNoteForm]: Could not instantiate property type [com.gst.models.AbstractInvoiceItem] to auto-grow nested property path: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.gst.models.AbstractInvoiceItem]: Is it an abstract class?; nested exception is java.lang.InstantiationException] with root cause
org.springframework.beans.NullValueInNestedPathException: Invalid property 'invoiceItemList' of bean class [com.gst.FormObjects.CDNoteForm]: Could not instantiate property type [com.gst.models.AbstractInvoiceItem] to auto-grow nested property path: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [com.gst.models.AbstractInvoiceItem]: Is it an abstract class?; nested exception is java.lang.InstantiationException

I don't understand why it is trying to instantiate the abstract class 'AbstractInvoiceItem' when the 'invoiceItemlist' was initialized with a reference to the autopopulating list of its child class


There are 2 answers

Shiksha Verma On

Since invoiceItemList is private, you are getting the exception. You need to either make it public(not recommended) or you need to use getters and setters to access it.

private List<? extends AbstractInvoiceItem> invoiceItemList ;

public List<? extends AbstractInvoiceItem> getInvoiceItemList(){
  return invoiceItemList;
public setInvoiceItemList(List<? extends AbstractInvoiceItem> list){
invoiceItemList= list;

Now you can access like this:

<form:input type="text" id="Quantity0"  
path="cdnoteForm.getInvoiceItemList().get(0).quantity" class="form-control">
Shiksha Verma On

Can you use invoiceItemList.get(0) instead of invoiceItemList[0] and try