How do I get my Facebook app's authorized users with App access token?

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I need to access my active app users and their permissions. I've got my app token, but I don't know how to get my users and their permissions.

At Graph API Explorer I'm requesting (with my app token) MY_APP_ID/insights but it just provides general data.

If I request MY_APP_ID path itself it just returns a brief description of my app and some data.

I need to access an endpoint like MY_APP_ID/users (tried that one, it doesn't exist) and it should return my app's users. It is the data that I technically have access to, so I should be able to browse it.

I've seen How do I get all the users that have authorized my Facebook app? which links to an FQL table but FQL is deprecated and not allowed after Graph API 2.0 and my app is created after 2.1 is released, therefore I can't use FQL.

I've also found (after deep digging into Facebook's docs) but again, I couldn't find a way to get that specific data.

How can I get my app users?

To be specific, I need something like this:

GET /APP_ID/users?since=24hoursago

  uid: 123456789,
  permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends,
  name: James Williams,
  date: 2015-06-13T00:11:22
  uid: 567892345,
  permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends,
  name: Adam Smith,
  date: 2015-06-13T00:11:22
  uid: 8765431929,
  permissions: basic_info, email, user_friends,
  name: Kurt Adams,
  date: 2015-06-13T00:11:22

Name and permissions are mandatory and login date would be extremely helpful.


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