I am trying to build a rather crude tool that converts a ppt/pptx file to a HTML format.
I have found out that, unfortunately, apache poi does not provide a unified programming model for working with power point files and code has to be written for parsing each format.
I feel that the pptx file support is much more limited than the ppt support.
One problem I'm facing is getting information regarding the background (color, pattern, background image) of a pptx slide.
I find the XSLFBackground (pptx api) class to be much more limited than its corresponding Background class (ppt api).
Has anyone managed to get get information regarding the background of a pptx slide using apache poi ?
Also can someone please point me to some good resources on this subject. I find the apache poi javadoc almost unusable and the examples on the poi website only cover basic functionality.
Best regards, Sergiu
How do I get background data from pptx slides using apache poi
2.1k views Asked by Sergiu Repede At
The content of the background element is described in the Office Open Schema - check the zip-link at the bottom and the pml-slide.xsd inside.
With the schema in the hand you will understand the XML beans below the usermodel interface.
For a starter, here is an example of reading a background image and also of exporting the slides to pngs (maybe useful for your html export?):