How do I get a list of all COM automation servers?

3.4k views Asked by At

I'm trying to call various APIs that are exposed as COM from Silverlight, which is possible only when they are part of a registered automation server and have a respective progid. Word, for example, would be "Word.Application". How do I get a list of all registered servers with their respective progids?

I found the component services snap-in, but I can't find the progids I know about in there. Edit: The snap-in looks like it should be there, I found a properties window that shows applications ids for some COM+ and DCOM applications, but I can't find obvious servers such as Word. The COM+ tree contains only half a dozen entries.


There are 2 answers


The list of automation servers appears to be in the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. From Silverlight, the name of the key is the progid, the CLDID is the value of subkey called CLSID.

I found this after Hans Passant made a comment to my question mentioning the registry.

bshacklett On

PrimalScript, by Sapien Technologies Inc., has an object browser that does an excellent job of listing all of the usable COM objects/interfaces on the system.