Does anybody upgraded VSTA 2.0 Add-in development to VSTA 2012? if Yes,
Could you please help me on this subject "How do I expose my COM host object to the VSTA add-in?"
i am working with VSTA 2012, The sample application which comes with VSTA 2012 "MyVSTAHost" doesn't cover exposing host object to vsta add-in.
where as in vsta 2.0 shapeappadvancedmfc covers this, but i no longer able to use hostitemprovider and contract concept in vsta 2012 as it is no longer supported in vsta 2012.
note: In VSTA 2.0 i am able to invoke my host application dispinterface methods with the add-in but do know how to do it in VSTA 2012, i dont see the support of poxygen in VSTA 2012 and some of the runtime namespaces are no longer supported in VSTA 2012.
Thanks and regards,
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