How do I edit Reitit routes in Reagent?

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The routes created with the default reagent template look like this:

;; -------------------------
;; Routes

(def router
   [["/" :index]
     ["" :items]
     ["/:item-id" :item]]
    ["/about" :about]]))

If I change the path of one ("/about" to "/test" below), why does it no longer work? There must be something else driving the routing, but I can't seem to figure out what.

;; -------------------------
;; Routes

(def router
   [["/" :index]
     ["" :items]
     ["/:item-id" :item]]
    ["/test" :about]]))

invalid reponse

This is the default reagent template (lein new reagent...) and I haven't changed anything else in the code. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit - Some additional detail I poked around in the repl a little bit in this function (from the default template):

(defn init! []
    (fn [path]
      (let [match (reitit/match-by-path router path)
            current-page (:name (:data  match))
            route-params (:path-params match)]
        (reagent/after-render clerk/after-render!)
        (session/put! :route {:current-page (page-for current-page)
                              :route-params route-params})
        (clerk/navigate-page! path)
    (fn [path]
      (boolean (reitit/match-by-path router path)))})

Everything looks ok to me. In fact, executing the below steps in the repl successfully navigated the browser to the correct page. I still can't enter the URL directly though.

app:problem.core=> (require '[reitit.frontend :as reitit])
app:problem.core=> (reitit/match-by-path router "/test")
{:template "/test",
 :data {:name :about},
 :result nil,
 :path-params {},
 :path "/test",
 :query-params {},
 :parameters {:path {}, :query {}}}
app:problem.core=> (def match (reitit/match-by-path router "/test"))
app:problem.core=> (:name (:data match))
app:problem.core=> (:path-params match)
app:problem.core=> (def current-page (:name (:data match)))
app:problem.core=> (page-for current-page)
app:problem.core=> (session/put! :route {:current-page (page-for current-page) :route-params {}})
{:route {:current-page #'problem.core/about-page, :route-params {}}}

There are 1 answers

Walton Hoops On BEST ANSWER

It looks like you changed the routes on client-side, in src/cljs/<project_name>/core.cljs, but did not change them server side in src/clj/<project_name>/handler.clj (look under the def app near the bottom of the file).

If your new to developing web applications with Clojure, I'd recommend looking at Luminus, rather than using the Reagent template. It's a much more batteries included-approach, with a lot more documentation. The book "Web Development With Clojure" is written by the same author (who is also a contributor to Reagent), and is also recommended reading.