I am currently trying to make a game that involves a randomly generated world. I currently have a working splash screen and a working perlin noise gen with it normalized. all i need is a way to implement the code to display the images.
the code:
public void show() {
batch = new SpriteBatch();
World world = new World();
int type = 0;
for (int y = 1; y < world.getlengthy();y++){
for (int x = 1; x < world.getlengthx();x++){
type = world.getvalue(x, y);
switch (type) {
case 1:sprite = new Sprite(tex1,0,0,16,16);sprite.setPosition(x, y);batch.begin();sprite.draw(batch);batch.end();
Gdx.app.log("", "x: " + x + " y: " + y);
case 2:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex2, x, y);batch.end();
case 3:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex3, x, y);batch.end();
case 4:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex4, x, y);batch.end();
case 5:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex5, x, y);batch.end();
case 6:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex6, x, y);batch.end();
case 7:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex7, x, y);batch.end();
case 8:batch.begin();batch.draw(tex8, x, y);batch.end();
Your code need to be inside of the
method. The show is just called if the screen get shown the first time. (1 Time call!) So put the for loop inside of the render Cycle and it should work.Just as a small hint. Do not create Objects inside of your render cycle
sprite = new Sprite(tex1,0,0,16,16);
. Always initialize all objects in the show method or inside of the constructor to save rendertime.(it does make a big differents in framerates)Also just
one time befor the loop andend()
after the loop.For example something like this. I still wouldnt create Sprites inside of the render but i dont know the rest of your logic. Hope this helps! Regards