How do I display a folder that exists in the file system, but not in Eclipse

82 views Asked by At

I have a Java web project in Eclipse Luna. In the project, I can see the WEB-INF folder and under that folder there's supposedly a lib folder (you can see it in the file system).

The question is how do I make the lib folder visible in my project?

Thanks a million! I have been troubleshooting for the last 4 hours!! :(


There are 1 answers

ManojP On

If you are using Eclipse Dynamic web-project then it will display under WebContent/WEB-INF/lib folder.

If your project is a maven project and you converted it into eclipse project using mvn eclipse:eclipse command, then It will not show lib folder under WEB-INF directory. Still you can see your war file containing lib folder under WEB-INF directory.

If you want to see your third party jars in eclipse then goto Package Explorer view then you will be able to see all external jars inside Referenced Libraries.