I'm working on a project where my end goal is for the two orbiting stars to collide; I have some code from my class that I've been utilizing, and while I was successful in getting two objects to orbit one another/orbit the same point, I can't get the radius of the orbit to decrease over time. I'm attempting to add a drag force, but this ejects my stars from their orbits.
G = 6.67e-11 #Actual gravitational constant
dt = 1e-3
mS = 1e6
mp1 = 1e5
mp2 = 1e5
x1 = 1 #starting x position
y1 = 0 #starting y position
x2 = -1
y2 = 0
vx = 0 #starting x-velocity
vy = 2 #starting y-velocity
for param in ['figure.facecolor', 'axes.facecolor', 'savefig.facecolor']:
plt.rcParams[param] = 'black'
timestep = 500 #timestep for video
xlist1 = [x1] #x-position of BH 1
ylist1 = [y1] #y-position of BH 1
xlist2 = [x2] #x-position of BH 2
ylist2 = [y2] #y-position of BH 2
vxlist1 = [vx]
vylist1 = [vy]
vxlist2 = [vx]
vylist2 = [vy]
n = 10
for param in ['figure.facecolor', 'axes.facecolor', 'savefig.facecolor']:
plt.rcParams[param] = 'black'
tail_length = 100
for t in range(1, timestep+1):
for _ in range(n):
r21 = x1**2 + y1**2
x1 = xlist1[-1] + vxlist1[-1] * dt #updates x by taking the final value in the xlist array and adding the final value in the velocity (x direction) array multiplied by our time step
y1 = ylist1[-1] + vylist1[-1] * dt
vx = vxlist1[-1] - (G*mS*mp1*xlist1[-1]/r21**1.5 + drag force) * dt #gravitational force GM1M2/r^2
vy = vylist1[-1] - (G*mS*mp1*ylist1[-1]/r21**1.5 + drag force) * dt #update velocity by taking the final value in the vy array and subtracting the gravitational force at the final location logged in the y position array
r22 = x2**2 + y2**2
x2 = xlist2[-1] + vxlist2[-1] * dt #updates x by taking the final value in the xlist array and adding the final value in the velocity (x direction) array multiplied by our time step
y2 = ylist2[-1] + vylist2[-1] * dt
vx = vxlist2[-1] - (G*mS*mp2*xlist2[-1]/r22**1.5 + drage force) * dt #gravitational force GM1M2/r^2
vy = vylist2[-1] - (G*mS*mp2*ylist2[-1]/r22**1.5 + drag force) * dt #update velocity by taking the final value in the vy array and subtracting the gravitational force at the final location logged in the y position array
With this, I've changed velocity, increased and decreased the gravitational constant, and manually tried to decrease the x and y positions by subtracting 0.0001 from each value of the x and y array. At this point, I'm somewhat out of ideas and starting from scratch isn't really an option, so any and all help is very much appreciated :)