I know that Framed
is used to show a frame around a symbol, how can I show a circle around a symbol?
How do I create a circled symbol in Mathematica?
857 views Asked by Andrew At
There are 5 answers

can take an option RoundingRadius
Framed[expr, RoundingRadius -> radius]
At smaller values of radius
the corners of the frame are simply slightly rounded, but at larger values, the frame becomes an oval or circle.

Using Framed[ ] with RoundingRadius
f = Rasterize[#, "RasterSize"] &;
circledBeli[x_] := Framed[ x,
FrameMargins -> (Norm@f@x - Array[1 &, {2, 2}] f@x)/2,
RoundingRadius -> Norm@f@x];
circledBeli[Sin[z^2]/Exp[z] + Integrate[Sin[x] Cos[x] Sqrt[x], x]]
The following seems to work better with TraditionalForm:
f = ImageDimensions[Rasterize[#]][[1 ;; 2]] &;
g = Reverse[ImageDimensions[Rasterize[Rotate[#, Pi/2]]][[1 ;; 2]]] &;
h = Max /@ Transpose@{f@#, g@#} &;
circledBeli[x_] :=
Framed[x, FrameMargins -> (Norm@h@x - Array[1 &, {2, 2}] h@x)/2,
RoundingRadius -> Norm@h@x];
t = TraditionalForm[Sin[z^2]/Exp[z] + Integrate[Sin[x] Cos[x] Sqrt[x], x]]
If you don't mind having to micromanage the alignment parameters, you can overlay the empty circle character over a symbol:
The exhibited font size and alignment parameters work for the font on my machine, but you may have to tweak them for good results on your screen. And tweak them again for a decent print-out. The following
can aid in that process: