Well, I have built a set of tables that run are meant to run with fewer joins, but I want to keep my normalized database around. Is there a way to switch between them when my site has a lot of traffic?
How do I change the tables I use when my site has a lot of traffic?
100 views Asked by 千里ちゃん AtThere are 4 answers
You can do this "in production", but keep in mind that this can become critical very fast!
- Alter your tables by adding the additional columns you need.
- Populate the new columns (with a script, so that you can control how many rows are touched per time to make sure you do not generate to much load)
- Change your (website)-scripts using the new structure. Best way would be to update all scripts at the same time.
- Re-run your "populate-script" to ensure all rows are really in the new format
- Remove unneccessary columns/tables
Q: Is there any way to switch between them? A: Sure - just redirect to a different PHP page which does a different query of a different set of tables.
... however ...
Q: How are you going to keep the tables in synch?
Q: What mechanism is available to alert you that "your site has a lot of traffic"?
Create a global that is incremented each time a page is accessed and resets to 0 de-incremented by 1 per minute per incrementation called 'pages_accessed_per_minute
Create a function that takes two arguments, one the global mentioned above, and the other the limit for your throttle: throttleOn('pages_accessed_per_minute', '1000')
If the number of pages being accessed per minute increases beyond a certain point (1000 in this case), swap in the alternate php scripts which use the other databases.
if throttleOn('pages_accessed_per_minute', '1000') == true){
I'm not 100% sure that I'm using include_once correctly, though.
I also discovered that most servers have a log symlinked to their users' home directories on shared hosts. These logs can be monitored live with the $tail -f
(command line). It's better than polling because the server may become busy, and it's better to rely on hooks when that happens.
If it is in order to simplify your queries, you might want to create a view which in turn can bundle some joins.