I have followed this guide https://knative.dev/docs/serving/using-a-custom-domain/ .
using the command
kubectl edit cm config-domain --namespace knative-serving
I replaced the example.com with mydomain.com in the yaml file. I did remove _example wording but not exactly sure if i remove the correct syntax.
After saving it, there seems to be alot of changes to the yaml.
But when i deploy a knative service, the domain url is still using example.com.
This is the current yaml content:
# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: v1
mydomain.com: |
app: nonprofit
svc.cluster.local: |
app: secret
kind: ConfigMap
knative.dev/example-checksum: 74c3fc6a
kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
{"apiVersion":"v1","data":{"_example":"################################\n# #\n# EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION #\n# #\n################################\n\n# This block is not actually functional configuration,\n# but serves to illustrate the available configuration\n# options and document them in a way that is accessible\n# to users that `kubectl edit` this config map.\n#\n# These sample configuration options may be copied out of\n# this example block and unindented to be in the data block\n# to actually change the configuration.\n\n# Default value for domain.\n# Although it will match all routes, it is the least-specific rule so it\n# will only be used if no other domain matches.\nmydomain.com: |\n\n# These are example settings of domain.\n# example.org will be used for routes having app=nonprofit.\nexample.org: |\n selector:\n app: nonprofit\n\n# Routes having the cluster domain suffix (by default 'svc.cluster.local')\n# will not be exposed through Ingress. You can define your own label\n# selector to assign that domain suffix to your Route here, or you can set\n# the label\n# \"serving.knative.dev/visibility=cluster-local\"\n# to achieve the same effect. This shows how to make routes having\n# the label app=secret only exposed to the local cluster.\nsvc.cluster.local: |\n selector:\n app: secret\n"},"kind":"ConfigMap","metadata":{"annotations":{"knative.dev/example-checksum":"74c3fc6a"},"labels":{"serving.knative.dev/release":"v0.22.0"},"name":"config-domain","namespace":"knative-serving"}}
creationTimestamp: "2021-05-11T06:43:42Z"
serving.knative.dev/release: v0.22.0
- apiVersion: v1
fieldsType: FieldsV1
.: {}
f:mydomain.com: {}
f:svc.cluster.local: {}
.: {}
f:knative.dev/example-checksum: {}
f:kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: {}
.: {}
f:serving.knative.dev/release: {}
manager: kubectl.exe
operation: Update
time: "2021-05-20T02:15:57Z"
name: config-domain
namespace: knative-serving
resourceVersion: "18217995"
selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/knative-serving/configmaps/config-domain
uid: 8fe4aac5-0413-45c5-8d3e-f7b9ff4e32ed
Does the service you deploy have the matching label? As in something like this:
As far many changes to the yaml, there are some auto generated fields, for example the managedFields which decorate the k8s resources. https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/using-api/server-side-apply/