I was wondering if it would be possible to capture the live video from my integrated webcam using Labview 2011(National Instruments). All I need to do for now is put the camera in the front panel. This is not a USB Webcam. It is a chicony USB 2.0 Camera(does not show up as usb on my pc). Can anyone help me?
How do I capture live video from my webcam using labview 2011?
17.3k views Asked by Josh Menzel At
LV2012? Is this beta?
The best way to do this is using IMAQdx drivers+Vision Developement module. AFter installing IMAQdx, USB cams usually already show up in Measurement and Automation Explorer and you can try out Snap/Grab... (Tip: Do install whatever driver is included with the hardware/on a cd.)
Then, in LV, just drop the "IMAQ Acquisition Express" vi into your block diagram and you'll be guided through a very quick and easy setup. I'm not much into Express vis, but that one is good.
If you don't have Vision Dev Module, look into ADVision (http://vi-lib.com/). It does the same thing, just with OpenCV, but I don't think that every driver is supported.