How do i automatically load code changes using docker fig

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I have a simple node program app.js
I mounted app.js file containing folder to a docker container.
When i do fig up it works.
But when i change contents of app.js and do fig stop and fig up again the changes are not loaded.
How can i make sure fig reloads / rebuilds image every time i bring it up ?

I tried various combination but no luck.
how to fix this?


There are 2 answers

Johannes Reuter On

You need to call "fig build" to rebuild the container. I think it is easier to mount a directory on the host-system (via ADD in the dockerfile), you don't have to rebuild the container everytime then.

debianmaster On

Just mounting the volume (without actually using ADD in Dockerfile) helped me test on latest code every time i make a fig up

var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function (req, res) { res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}); res.end("hello world 5"); }).listen(3001);

Dockerfile FROM cjonagam/centos-nodejs-0.10.33 RUN mkdir /home/test2 WORKDIR /home/test2 EXPOSE 3001

app: build: . volumes: - .:/home/test2 ports: - "3001:3001" command: node app.js