I am trying to run a study using Pairwise comparisons.
Essentially, I have two groups of images: Group A (containing 107 different images) and Group B (containing 100 different images). Participants will view two images at a time (one from Group A and one from Group B) and be asked to choose which image they prefer.
My questions are:
- How can I calculate the total number of possible combinations of Group A and Group B?
- How many comparisons do I have to make in order to draw adequate conclusions about the differences between Group A and Group B (assuming that showing all possible comparisons is too much)
- Exactly what analysis would I run to see if there are differences between Group A and Group B (chi-squared goodness of fit?)
Bonus: How do I run the analysis in R?
I have tried calculating the total number of comparisons using n(n-1)/2, but this does not seem correct as I am not interested in comparing images within Groups (I don't care about comparing Image 1 from Group A to Image 2 from Group A).