how do I access json from gulp data in nunjucks?

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I have a some.json file like this:

  "disneyland-paris": {
    "lang": "de"
  "hanoi": {
    "lang": "de"

… that I want to get into a nunjucks template with:

pipe(data(function() {
  return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(".../some.json"))

How would I access this data within nunjucks?

This does not work:

{{ some }}


{{ some.json }}

There are 1 answers

klewis On

One of many approaches you could take is use gulp nunjucks render for your gulp project. If you decide to go this route, you can use the following steps as a proof-of-concept to achieve your goal. And if not, you can borrow ideas from the following steps anyway!

  • Step 1 - Within your project, "you could" structure your JSON data like so in a file called Languages.js :
const languages = [
    "group": [{
      "lang": "de"
      "lang": "de"

module.exports = languages;
  • Step 2 - From your gulpfile.js, assuming you are running a gulp project, call your JSON data, then reference it within your Nunjucks logic as an environmental global...

const nunjucksRender = require('gulp-nunjucks-render');
const Languages = require('./src/models/Languages');


const manageEnvironment = function (environment) {


function genNunJucks(cb) {
    return src(['src/views/*.html'])
            path: ['src/views/', 'src/views/parts'], // String or Array
            ext: '.html',
            inheritExtension: false,
            envOptions: {
                watch: true,
            manageEnv: manageEnvironment,
            loaders: null
        .pipe(dest('pub')); //the final destination of your public pages

//then do more stuff to get genNunJucks() ready for gulp commands...

  • Step 3 - From within your Nunjucks template file, call the data like so...
   {% for sections in mLangauges %}
      {% for mgroup in %}
      {% endfor %}
   {% endfor %}

All that is left to do is run your gulp project :)

Tip - If you change your JSON data while working, you may need to re-build your gulp project to see the udpated JSON data on your web page. Re-building can be as simple as running 'npm run build' if you set it up right in your package.json file.