How could I know which image is displayed in datagridview column C# .net

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I have a datagridview which has 2 columns, one is the name of the file and the other one is a column that has image that could have a red or green image.

I want to know how could I get the value to know which image is displayed in the datagridview column as follow:

Note: By Default is red, but it will change to green once you do something with that file.

Image with the red image

Image with the green image

How I added those images was with a image list as follow:

ImageList icons = new ImageList();
    "..\\..\\images", "red.png")));
    "..\\..\\images", "green.png")));

and are loaded to the datagridview as follow:

foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(
    Path.Combine(DataBaseConfiguration.WPRPath, "CR" + _number)))
    if (!file.Contains("~$"))
        dgvWprFiles.Rows.Add(new object[] { Path.GetFileName(file), icons.Images[0] });

Well, the exactly question is: how to know when the column has red or green image?



There are 1 answers

Christopher On

Those green and red images are most likely representing a Boolean value. You should be working with that Boolean value, not trying to re-verse engineer it via the image!

Unless you are doing screen scraping/atomation, you should not care what image is dispalyed. That is a minor detail of the Display side. And if you are doing screen scraping then the question should be rewored accordingly.

It would help a ton if you told us wich .NET Display technology you are a using. Even how you display a boolean as a iamge can varry greatly between those, and so does the answer.