In Delphi, there is a function StrToInt() that converts a string to an integer value; there is also IntToStr(), which does the reverse. These functions doesn't appear to be part of Oxygene, and I can't find a reference to something that can do that. How can it be done?
How convert string to integer in Oxygene
7.9k views Asked by Bill Seven At
There are 2 answers

RRUZ has the correct answer, but if you can't say good-bye to all the functions and classes you where used to in Delphi win32 you could take a look at ShineOn. It's an open source library written in Delphi Prism to port Delphi win32 functions and classes to .Net. Not surprisingly it also contains IntToStr and StrToInt.
You can use the Int32.Parse function
try this
.Parse is pretty richly supported for multiple types.