I have a component which has a custom method to create an element, I create a custom element using js and return the array how can we use this array or elements/element to the be returned as a render element
Note: createCustomElement will have dynamic implementation
import { Component, Element, Prop, State } from '@stencil/core'
tag: 'common-listing',
shadow: true,
export class CommonListing {
@Element() el: HTMLElement
@Prop() columns: any
@State() list: Array<any> = []
@State() click: string = 'CLic'
async componentWillLoad() {
const res = await fetch('http://localhost:3000/users')
const data = await res.json()
this.list = data
createCustomElement(l: any) {
let div = document.createElement('div')
let span = document.createElement('span')
span.innerText = l['user_id']
render() {
let content = this.list.map(l => this.createCustomElement(l))
return content
The render method has to return JSX elements: