How can we check that Google Tag manager works

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I am developing an android application, and I used google tag manager to collect data. When I run the project, the project work correctly and I have this in the console

V/GoogleTagManager﹕ Attempting to load a container from the resource ID 2131099648 (testconverteo.ismail.converteotag:raw/container_test)
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ The container was successfully loaded from the resource (using JSON file format)
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ Deleted 0 expired items
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ Attempting to load resource from disk
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ loadAfterDelay: containerId=GTM-NH9QCT delay=29045410
D/GoogleTagManager﹕ Setting previous container version: Nw$0
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ The Disk resource was successfully read.
W/GoogleTagManager﹕ GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException getting Advertising Id Info
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ Loaded client id from disk.
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ connecting to Analytics service
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ connecting to Analytics service
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ Sending hit to store  PATH: https:  PARAMS: sr=800x1216,  a=1964810494,  v=1,  ht=1434114913880,  an=ConverteoTag,  ul=en-us,  t=appview,  _u=.4nL,  tid=UA-62122818-2,  cid=538d87f1-f8ce-47bd-a0d0-c082a49be97e,  aid=testconverteo.ismail.converteotag,  av=1.0,
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ PowerSaveMode initiated.
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ PowerSaveMode terminated.
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ Dispatch running...
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ sent 1 of 1 hits
V/GoogleTagManager﹕ PowerSaveMode initiated.

It seems that data are sent, but I have nothing in the interface of google analytics.


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