I am trying to seed my development database in the Go Buffalo framework using TOML fixtures. However, I am having trouble finding a clear example or documentation on how to do this.
How can I use TOML fixtures to seed my database in a development environment using the Go Buffalo framework?
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There are 2 answers

You can find all the information you need about testing and fixtures here: https://github.com/gobuffalo/suite
Here is a basic example of actions and model tests:
package actions
import (
type ActionSuite struct {
func Test_ActionSuite(t *testing.T) {
action, err := suite.NewActionWithFixtures(App(), os.DirFS("../fixtures"))
if err != nil {
as := &ActionSuite{
Action: action,
suite.Run(t, as)
package models
import (
type ModelSuite struct {
func Test_ModelSuite(t *testing.T) {
model, err := suite.NewModelWithFixtures(os.DirFS("../fixtures"))
if err != nil {
as := &ModelSuite{
Model: model,
suite.Run(t, as)
name = "lots of widgets"
name = "widgets"
id = "<%= uuidNamed("widget") %>"
name = "This is widget #1"
body = "some widget body"
created_at = "<%= now() %>"
updated_at = "<%= now() %>"
id = "<%= uuid() %>"
name = "This is widget #2"
body = "some widget body"
created_at = "<%= now() %>"
updated_at = "<%= now() %>"
name = "users"
id = "<%= uuid() %>"
name = "Mark Bates"
admin = true
price = 19.99
widget_id = "<%= uuidNamed("widget") %>"
created_at = "<%= now() %>"
updated_at = "<%= now() %>"
func (as *ActionSuite) Test_WidgetsResource_List() {
as.LoadFixture("lots of widgets")
res := as.HTML("/widgets").Get()
body := res.Body.String()
as.Contains(body, "widget #1")
as.Contains(body, "widget #2")
func (ms *ModelSuite) Test_Widget_SomeModelMethod() {
ms.LoadFixture("lots of widgets")
var widgets []Widget
if err := DB.All(&widgets); err != nil {
for _, widget := range widgets {
ms.Equal("some value", widget.SomeModelMethod())
url: {{envOr "TEST_DATABASE_URL" "postgres://[email protected]:5432/medicare_65_quote_test?sslmode=disable"}}
To seed a database, you can use grifts. When creating a new application, there should be a dummy placeholder grift generated at
that looks like:I attempted to use
model.LoadFixture("seed widgets")
in a grift, but there is some panic because it is not in a test environment. I think DB seeding from toml fixtures is not supported directly but that would be a useful feature. However looking at the code from LoadFixture, we can construct our own fixture loading:Assuming you have a fixture with a scenario named
name = "seed widgets"