How can i Use QList<CustomClass> as QT Meta object

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Hi I am trying to convert the object into JSON. In that process i have created 2 classes.

class class1 : Public object

    Q_PROPERTY(QString Item1 READ getItem1 WRITE setItem1)
    Q_PROPERTY(qint64 Item2 READ getItem2 WRITE setItem2)


    QString Item1;
    qint64 Item2;


    QString getItem1 () const { return Item1;}

    void setItem1 (const QString& Item){ Item1= Item; }

// In the same way i have it for item2



Class class2 : public QObject


    Q_PROPERTY(QString Item1 READ getItem1 WRITE setItem1)
    Q_PROPERTY(qint64 Item2 READ getItem2 WRITE setItem2)
    Q_PROPERTY(QList<Class1*> class1List READ getclass1List WRITE setclass1List)

    qint64 Item5;
    qint64 Item6;
    QList< class1* > class1List;


    QString getItem5 () const { return Item5;}

    void setItem5 (const QString& Item){ Item5 = Item; }

    QString getItem6 () const { return Item6;}

    void setItem6 (const QString& Item){ Item6 = Item; }

    const QList<class1*> &getclass1List() const { return class1List;}

    void setclass1List(const QList<class1List*> &List) { class1List= List; }

Now i have converted the class2 object which has class1 list into QVariant using QJson::QObjectHelper::qobject2qvariant, All the data inside class2 is converted to JSON, but the list is printed as NULL.

Please let me know what is wrong in this procedure.

I have also tried it with

QList<class1*> getclass1List() const { return class1List;}

void setclass1List(const QList<class1List*> List) { class1Lis = List; }

But no Use... i am still getting NULL for the value of list in JSON object. If i print the same list as a separate object, i am getting the data.


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