How can I use Langchain to identify the top k sentences that are the closest match to a user query and then return the docs containing these sentences

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I have a set of 1000 documents (plain texts) and one user query. I want to retrieve the top k documents that are the most relevant to a user query using the Python library Langchain. Specially, I want the system to identify the top k sentences that are the closest match to the user query, and then returns the documents that contain these sentences. How can I do so?

The following code identifies the top k documents that are the closest match to the user query with Haystack. How can I change it so that instead, the code identifies the top k sentences that are the closest match to the user query with Langchain, and returns the documents that contain these sentences.

# Note: Most of the code is from

import logging

logging.basicConfig(format="%(levelname)s - %(name)s -  %(message)s", level=logging.WARNING)

import pandas as pd
from haystack.utils import fetch_archive_from_http

# Download sample
doc_dir = "data/tutorial7/"
s3_url = ""
fetch_archive_from_http(url=s3_url, output_dir=doc_dir)

# Create dataframe with columns "title" and "text"
#df = pd.read_csv(f"{doc_dir}/small_generator_dataset.csv", sep=",")
df = pd.read_csv(f"{doc_dir}/small_generator_dataset.csv", sep=",",nrows=10)
# Minimal cleaning
df.fillna(value="", inplace=True)


from haystack import Document

# Use data to initialize Document objects
titles = list(df["title"].values)
texts = list(df["text"].values)
documents = []
for title, text in zip(titles, texts):
    documents.append(Document(content=text, meta={"name": title or ""}))

from haystack.document_stores import FAISSDocumentStore
document_store = FAISSDocumentStore(faiss_index_factory_str="Flat", return_embedding=True)

from haystack.nodes import RAGenerator, DensePassageRetriever

retriever = DensePassageRetriever(

# Delete existing documents in documents store

# Write documents to document store

# Add documents embeddings to index

from haystack.pipelines import GenerativeQAPipeline
from haystack import Pipeline
pipeline = Pipeline()
pipeline.add_node(component=retriever, name='Retriever', inputs=['Query'])

from haystack.utils import print_answers

    "who got the first nobel prize in physics",
    "when is the next deadpool movie being released",

for question in QUESTIONS:
    res =, params={"Retriever": {"top_k": 5}})
    #print_answers(res, details="all")

To run the code:

conda create -y --name haystacktest python==3.9
conda activate haystacktest
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install farm-haystack
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
pip install sentence_transformers
pip install farm-haystack[colab,faiss]==1.17.2

E.g., I wonder if there is a way to amend the Faiss indexing strategy.


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