I'm stuck on this issue, please help...
So, Post request working fine on Postman, but in Rest Assured I am getting 307 Temporary Redirect status code. I find that this issue related to redirects. Because I checked settings on Postman and when I am turning "Automatically follow redirect" toggle OFF, it gives same issue in Postman as well, but it works when it is ON.
How can I add the same to my code (turn ON "Automatically follow redirect" in Rest Assured/Java?)
Here is my code:
static {
baseURI = ConfigReader.getProperty("url");
RequestSpecification requestSpecification;
Response response;
String accessToken;
@Given("I am authorized at endpoint {string}")
public void getAccessToken(String endpoint) {
response = given().log().all()
.header("Content-Type", "application/json").body("{\n" +
" \"username\": \"" + ConfigReader.getProperty("username") + "\",\n" +
"\"password\": \"" + ConfigReader.getProperty("password") + "\" \n" +
String jsonString = response.asString();
accessToken = JsonPath.from(jsonString).get("AccessToken");
@When("I add the header {string} {string}")
public void setAuthorizationHeaders(String key, String value) {
requestSpecification = given()
.header(key, value).
header("AccessToken", accessToken);
@Then("I send a POST request to {string} endpoint with the body {body}")
public void iSendAPOSTRequestToEndpointWithTheBody(String string, String body) throws InterruptedException {
requestSpecification.body(new File("body"))
I already used these ways and they did not work (or I used them wrong):
Please advise based on my above code!
RequestSpecification spec = new RequestSpecBuilder().setConfig(RestAssured.config().redirect(redirectConfig().followRedirects(false))).build();
RestAssured.config = config().redirect(redirectConfig().followRedirects(true).and().maxRedirects(0));
Rest assured will automatically redirect if it is GET/HEAD request and status code is 302. In your case this is a POST request so it wont automatically redirect. You might need to do it manually like: