I'm looking for a cross platform method to tint a detailed PNG or JPG, with a color. An example use case would be like this: https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/74cb7e15-a285-40cc-a294-c157ed6fa8b2_1.b9ab5eb83cad0a612996470fbe7917c3.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=FFFFFF
The above is an image of a model wearing a white shirt.
I would "cut out" the white shirt and overlay it on the model. That gives me a white shirt to manipulate, while the model remains unchanged.
The user would slide their finger on a color chart or something similar. While they're doing this, the shirt would tint with the user's selected color, while also keeping the shadow details. So if they picked a red, the shirt would be red with red shadows.
With all the apps out there that allow you to adjust skin tone, adjust eye color, apply makeup, etc., I'm hoping there's a way to do this with Appcelerator. Many thanks in advance for your help.
I did this in an older app to change the color of knitted hats and fingernails for demo purposes. For the hats we took images and removed the color (but keeping the shadow and lighting) and all color parts are transparent. I can only show you the demo nails:
You put a normal colored view behind this transparent PNG and change the color of the view. Don't need to tint the objects. It's quicker and saves power/memory.