How can I tell if a jq filter successfully pulls data from a JSON data structure?

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I want to know if a given filter succeeds in pulling data from a JSON data structure. For example:

###### For the user steve...

% Name=steve
% jq -j --arg Name "$Name" '.[]|select(.user == $Name)|.value' <<<'
   {"user":"steve", "value":false},
   {"user":"tom", "value":true},
   {"user":"pat", "value":null},
   {"user":"jane", "value":""}
% echo $?

Note: successful results can include boolean values, null, and even the empty string.

###### Now for user not in the JSON data...

% Name=mary
% jq -j --arg Name "$Name" '.[]|select(.user == $Name)|.value' <<<'
   {"user":"steve", "value":false},
   {"user":"tom", "value":true},
   {"user":"pat", "value":null},
   {"user":"jane", "value":""}
% echo $?

If the filter does not pull data from the JSON data structure, I need to know this. I would prefer the filter to return a non-zero return code.

How would I go about determining if a selector successfully pulls data from a JSON data structure vs. fails to pull data?

Important: The above filter is just an example, the solution needs to work for any jq filter.

Note: the evaluation environment is Bash 4.2+.


There are 4 answers

Steve Amerige On BEST ANSWER

I've found a solution that meets all of my requirements! Please let me know what you think!

The idea is use jq -e "$Filter" as a first-pass check. Then for the return code of 1, do a jq "path($Filter)" check. The latter will only succeed if, in fact, there is a path into the JSON data.


   local Name="$1"
   local Filter="$2"
   local Input="$3"
   local Result Status

   Result="$(jq -e --arg Name "$Name" "$Filter" <<<"$Input")"

   case $Status in
   1) jq --arg Name "$Name" "path($Filter)" <<<"$Input" >/dev/null 2>&1
   *) ;;

   [[ $Status -eq 0 ]] || Result="***ERROR***"
   echo "$Status $Result"

Filter='.[]|select(.user == $Name)|.value'
   {"user":"steve", "value":false},
   {"user":"tom", "value":true},
   {"user":"pat", "value":null},
   {"user":"jane", "value":""}

Select steve "$Filter" "$Input"
Select tom   "$Filter" "$Input"
Select pat   "$Filter" "$Input"
Select jane  "$Filter" "$Input"
Select mary  "$Filter" "$Input"

And the execution of the above:

% ./
0 false
0 true
0 null
0 ""
4 ***ERROR***
Inian On

You can use the -e / --exit-status flag from the jq Manual, which says

Sets the exit status of jq to 0 if the last output values was neither false nor null, 1 if the last output value was either false or null, or 4 if no valid result was ever produced. Normally jq exits with 2 if there was any usage problem or system error, 3 if there was a jq program compile error, or 0 if the jq program ran.

I can demonstrate the usage with a basic filter as below, as your given example is not working for me.

For a successful query,

dudeOnMac:~$ jq -e '.foo?' <<< '{"foo": 42, "bar": "less interesting data"}'
dudeOnMac:~$ echo $?

For an invalid query, done with a non-existent entity zoo,

dudeOnMac:~$ jq -e '.zoo?' <<< '{"foo": 42, "bar": "less interesting data"}'
dudeOnMac:~$ echo $?

For an error scenario, returning code 2 which I created by double-quoting the jq input stream.

dudeOnMac:~$ jq -e '.zoo?' <<< "{"foo": 42, "bar": "less interesting data"}"
jq: error: Could not open file interesting: No such file or directory
jq: error: Could not open file data}: No such file or directory
dudeOnMac:~$ echo $?
peak On

Given that jq is the way it is, and in particular that it is stream-oriented, I'm inclined to think that a better approach would be to define and use one or more filters that make the distinctions you want. Thus rather than writing .a to access the value of a field, you'd write get("a") assuming that get/1 is defined as follows:

def get(f): if has(f) then .[f] else error("\(type) is not defined at \(f)") end;

Now you can easily tell whether or not an object has a key, and you're all set to go. This definition of get can also be used with arrays.

Thedward On

I've added an updated solution below

The fundamental problem here is that when try to retrieve a value from an object using the .key or .[key] syntax, jq — by definition — can't distinguish a missing key from a key with a value of null.

You can instead define your own lookup function:

def lookup(k):if has(k) then .[k] else error("invalid key") end;

Then use it like so:

$ jq 'lookup("a")' <<<'{}' ; echo $?
jq: error (at <stdin>:1): invalid key

$ jq 'lookup("a")' <<<'{"a":null}' ; echo $?

If you then use lookup consistently instead of the builtin method, I think that will give you the behaviour you want.

Here's another way to go about it, with less bash and more jq.


lib='def value(f):((f|tojson)//error("no such value"))|fromjson;'

users=( steve tom pat jane mary )

Select () {
  local name=$1 filter=$2 input=$3
  local -i status=0
  result=$( jq --arg name "$name" "${lib}value(${filter})" <<<$input  2>/dev/null )
  (( status )) && result="***ERROR***"
  printf '%s\t%d %s\n' "$name" $status "$result"

filter='.[]|select(.user == $name)|.value'


for name in "${users[@]}"
  Select "$name" "$filter" "$input"

This produces the output:

steve   0 false
tom     0 true
pat     0 null
jane    0 ""
mary    5 ***ERROR***

This takes advantage of the fact the absence of input to a filter acts like empty, and empty will trigger the alternative of //, but a string — like "null" or "false" — will not.

It should be noted that value/1 will not work for filters that are simple key/index lookups on objects/arrays, but neither will your solution. I'm reasonably sure that to cover all the cases, you'd need something like this (or yours) and something like get or lookup.