I am trying to solve a problem on HackerRank; "Determining DNA Health." I decided after looking at some of the discussions that the Aho-Corasick algorithm would be the best choice. The problem involves searching a string for various sequences with an associated value. The task is to take a subsection of these sequence value pairs from the given list and find the value associated with an input string. This is meant to be done 44850 times with a list of 100000 sequence value pairs. I have implemented the algorithm and while it is a whole lot faster than my first attempt, it still isn't fast enough to pass this test case. Here's my implementation:
Building the trie:
def createValueTrie(gs: Array[(String, Int)]): TrieNodeWithVal = {
def recurse(genes: Array[(String, Int)]): Map[Char, TrieNodeWithVal] = {
.map(x => (x._1, x._2.map(y => (y._1.tail, y._2))))
case (c, arr: Array[(String, Int)]) => {
val value = arr.filter(_._1.length == 0).foldLeft(0)(_ + _._2)
val filtered = arr.filter(_._1.length > 0)
val recursed = recurse(filtered)
(c, new TrieNodeWithVal(arr.exists(_._1.length == 0), recursed, value))
new TrieNodeWithVal(false, recurse(gs), 0)
Searching through the trie:
def findValueMatches(trie: TrieNodeWithVal, sequence: String): Iterator[(String, Long)] = {
sequence.scanRight("")(_ + _).dropRight(1).iterator.flatMap(s => {
Iterator.iterate[(Iterator[Char], Option[TrieNodeWithVal])]((s.iterator, Some(trie))) {
case (it: Iterator[Char], Some(node)) => if (it.hasNext) (it, node(it.next())) else (it, None)
case (it: Iterator[Char], None) => (it, None)
}.takeWhile {
case (_, Some(_)) => true
case _ => false
}.map {
case (_, Some(node)) => node
}.zipWithIndex.withFilter {
case (node, _) => node isWord
}.map {
case (node, i) => (s.slice(0, i), node.value)
Trie node classes:
class TrieNode(isAWord: Boolean, childs: Map[Char, TrieNode]) {
val isWord = isAWord
val children: Map[Char, TrieNode] = childs
def apply(c: Char): Option[TrieNode] = children.get(c)
override def toString(): String = "(" + children.map(x => (if (x._2.isWord) x._1.toUpper else x._1) + ": " + x._2.toString()).mkString(", ") + ")"
class TrieNodeWithVal(isAWord: Boolean, childs: Map[Char, TrieNodeWithVal], valu: Long) extends TrieNode(isAWord, childs) {
val value = valu
override val children: Map[Char, TrieNodeWithVal] = childs
override def toString(): String = "(" + children.map(x => (if (x._2.isWord) x._1.toUpper + "[" + x._2.value + "]" else x._1) + ": " + x._2.toString()).mkString(", ") + ")"
override def apply(c: Char): Option[TrieNodeWithVal] = children.get(c)
I know there is some more edge-building that can be done here for failure cases but several people in the discussion said that it would be slower as the trie needs to be rebuilt for each query. Are there some more efficient collections I should be using for a problem like this? How can I speed it up while maintaing a purely functional style?
There are various changes, some might affect performance and others are just cosmetic.
you can combine the twomap
calls and usepartition
to reduce the number of times you test the array:You can simplify
by using conditions oncase
statements and combining some operations:Finally, you can simplify your classes by using
parametersThis is all compiled but not tested so apologies if I have inadvertently changed the algorithm.