Id like to know if there is some argument I can pass to tabulate module and specify the quantity of empty spaces between columns.
I can see there are 2 spaces by default but I didnt find how do manipulate that. This is script example.
from tabulate import tabulate
data = [
["Name","LastName", "Age"],
["Juan","Lopez", "22"],
["Luisa","Perez", "24"],
["Ana","Sanchez", "23"]
print (tabulate(data, stralign="right", tablefmt="plain"))
Name LastName Age
Juan Lopez 22
Luisa Perez 24
Ana Sanchez 23
The complete task is about extract data from a plan text and organize it. One way I did to solve the problem was adding empty columns between each data column but maybe is not the most eficcient way.
As far as I can tell, tabulate doesn't seem to have an argument for this. Maybe look into prettytable, and especially the "Changing the appearance of your table - the hard way" chapter, that allows you to be more flexible with the table style.
EDIT: texttable may be useful too, as you can define the column width. The documentation seems to be a bit lacking though, and while the ease of use may be better, the modularity seems to be a bit worse at first glance.