Let`s assume that i have NavHost graph with subgraphs, in one subgraph i have several composables with their "local" route.
navController = navController,
startDestination = context.resources.getString(R.string.home_head_graph_route)
) {
startDestination = "scanner",
route = "scanner_head"
) {
composable("scanner") {
val scannerViewModel = it.sharedViewModel<QRCodeScannerViewModel>(navController)
composable("scanned_objects_list") {
val scannerViewModel = it.sharedViewModel<QRCodeScannerViewModel>(navController)
startDestination = "documents",
route = "documents_head"
) {
composable("documents") {
val docsViewModel = it.sharedViewModel<DocsViewModel>(navController)
composable("other_doc_route") {
val docsViewModel = it.sharedViewModel<DocsViewModel>(navController)
//sharing viewModel inside subgraph, but when we leave this subgraph viewmodel will be cleared
inline fun <reified T : ViewModel> NavBackStackEntry.sharedViewModel(navController: NavController): T {
val navGraphRoute = destination.parent?.route ?: return hiltViewModel()
val parentEntry = remember(this) {
return hiltViewModel(parentEntry)
I do some actions in "scanner" navigation graph and inserting some data from it in scannerViewModel, for example from this subgraph i get a list of scanned objects. How can I recieve this data in "documents" navigation graph from "scanner" navigation graph if scannerViewModel will be destroyed after I left from scanner graph? What should i do if i don't want to share viewModel above all navigation graphes like this:
val scannerGlobalViewModel = hiltViewModel<QRCodeScannerViewModel>()
navController = navController,
startDestination = context.resources.getString(R.string.home_head_graph_route)
) {
startDestination = "scanner",
route = "scanner_head"
) {...}
startDestination = "documents",
route = "documents_head"
) {...}
I've tried to make viemodel shared above all navigation graphs, but then i think we lose advantages of subgraph logic isn't it? So how should i transfer my data from scanner graph viewModel in documents graph viewModel? How could I "connect" different viemodels from different subgraphs? Maybe should I store data for sharing between viewmodels in Room database? And in each viewModel has repository to get needed data?