What I try to do
- Send a http request from app-gateway to app-backend.
- I've created apps for the purpose. (https://github.com/tbrand/app-mesh-sample)
What I can't do
- When the app-gateway sends http request to app-backend, it says 'ENOTFOUND'. (DNS lookup failure?)
- I have two minimum apps (app-gateway and app-backend. written in Node.js) on ECS under the same VPC. They are running well independently.
- Envoy proxies are injected by ECS console with default configuration.
- I defined an App Mesh which has a router to the backend service.
- AWS Cloud Map is created by ECS. It seems the instances are correctly registered on each service.
- I use 3000 as a listen port for every definitions except ALB. (It uses 80.)
- mymesh (ECS cluster)
- app-gateway (ECS service. The task definition is injected by envoy proxy.)
- app-backend (ECS service. The task definition is injected by envoy proxy.)
AWS App Mesh
- app-backend.mymesh.local (Virtual service. provider=app-backend (Virtual router))
- app-gateway.mymesh.local (Virtual service. provider=app-gateway (Virtual node))
- app-backend (Virtual router. It has a route to the app-backend (Virtual node).)
- app-backend (Virtual node. service discovery=AWS Cloud Map, namespace=mymesh.local, service name=app-backend)
- app-gateway (Virtual node. service discovery=AWS Cloud Map, namespace=mymesh.local, service name=app-gateway, backend=app-backend.mymesh.local)
AWS Cloud Map
- mymesh.local (Namespace)
- app-backend (Service. It has a instance registered by ECS)
- app-gateway (Service. It has a instance registered by ECS)
Route 53
- mymesh.local (Private host zone. It's assciated with the VPC. It's created when I defined first service on ECS.)
- app-backend.mymesh.local (A record. The value is the IP address which ECS task is running on.)
- app-gateway.mymesh.local (A record. The value is the IP address which ECS task is running on.)
- app-gateway (A public endpoint to the app-gateway service. It works well.)
- app-gateway (A target group. The targets are registered by ECS.)
According to this sample app, I thought that I could access to the app-backend via app-backend.mymesh.local
like this.
But it raises the error.
Please tell me if I should tell more details. (I would tell them by text or screenshots.)
How can I make the http request successfully between ECS services with App Mesh?
I've solved by myself. DNS hostnames configuration must be enabled on my VPC configuration. After enabling it, it works fine. Thanks.