Is there an easy way to get xsp4 running as a background process on a linux server?
When I run xsp4 I get this:
Listening on address:
Root directory: /test
Listening on port: 80 (non-secure)
Hit Return to stop the server.
So if I quit the terminal I am running it from it stops the server.
Do I have to write a daemon to do this? Or is there already something in place that I am missing?
You have a couple of options. If your problem is terminal closing, then screen can be simple solution (just run screen xsp4, then Ctrl+A,D and you can close terminal). If the method you have used suits you, then use it -- however xsp will die after terminal closing. xsp should be generally used for debugging, production solutions are FastCGI or apache module, so these are daemons "by definition".