this script is drawing a line from top to bottom, but its starts on mouseover "onhover" and I want it to draw it when page is opened.
This is the whole code to be clear. The only thing it makes to be functional is hover from this line $( this ).hover(function()
var animationDuration = "0.4"
var backgroundColor = "white"
$.fn.line = function liner(animationDuration, borderWidth, side, backgroundColor) {
var className = "line"
var timePerSide = animationDuration
$(this).append('<div class=' + className + '> <div></div> </div>');
$(this).children("." + className).css({
"-webkit-transition": "all " + timePerSide + "s linear " + timePerSide * 0 + "s",
"transition": "all " + timePerSide + "s linear " + timePerSide * 0 + "s",
"background-color": backgroundColor,
switch (true) {
case side == "right":
"top": "0",
"right": "-10",
"height": "0%",
"width": borderWidth,
if (side == "right") {
$(this).hover(function () {
"height": "150%",
And this is my HTML
<div class="box1 float-left liner">
<script type="text/javascript">
$( document ).ready(function() {
$('.liner').line(animationDuration, "5px", "right", backgroundColor);
It sounds like you want to ignore the hover function and simply run a portion of the plugin on load. You'll have to modify the plugin, which may not be idea. Instead of this:
... simply do this:
If you need the code to run on both events, you might pull the inner portion out into a named function and call it for both:
... and then: