I want to create a website with 'dynamic' pages for a web app. I 'cant' use Node because HostGator charges more for a dedicated server (required for Node apparently). Looking for a solution such as Jekyll or RoR. Does anyone know how to spin up a simple webApp powered by these on an environment like HostGator?
Thanks in advance.
Just build your Jekyll site locally and upload the _site/ directory into your website folder on your shared HostGator folder. You could also use a git repo and push all the files from Jekyll's _site directory to master and then pull them down via ssh on your HostGator website folder. Or create a git hook or other automated way of updating the files.
Should be as easy as uploading a static html site, since that is what Jekyll is.
If you are looking to build a Rails site check out the HostGator guide here http://support.hostgator.com/articles/specialized-help/technical/how-do-i-start-using-ruby-on-rails