This is my admin book lists and I want to add pagination to it. How can I add pagination and return in jsonify() to vue as frontend?
def admin_books(user):
respone_body = dict()
respone_body['status'] = "success"
respone_body['code'] = 0
admin_book = admin_book(, sort_by_id_desc=True)
'books': admin_book,
return jsonify(respone_body)
def admin_book(user_id, sort_by_id_desc=True):
admin_books = []
for book in Book.query.all():
return sorted(admin_books, key=lambda dict: dict['id'], reverse=sort_by_id_desc)
Thanks for helping in advance!
I got the answer, and this is how I return the Flask Restful Api pagination in jsonify().Miguel Grinberg's Flask Book helped me to understand the concept
I hope this will help someone later who do the same way I did