I'm going to run the ASP.net website on Visual Studio 2019 It used the ASP.NET MVC framework With NHibernate. The solution has 5 projects including Domain, UI, Media, Resources, ... When building the solution, gets these errors.
CS0234 The type or namespace name 'MediaServices' does not exist in the namespace 'ESK.Business' (are you missing an assembly reference?) Pazar.Domain E:\project\esk\src\Domain\ESK.Domain\Subscribers\MoveMediaCommand.cs
CS0234 The type or namespace name 'Resources' does not exist in the namespace 'ESK' (are you missing an assembly reference?) ESK.Domain E:\project\esk\src\Domain\ESK.Domain\BackgroundTasks\BetterTask\Commands\TaskNotifyGalleryOnCreateEmailCommand.cs
The first error is concerned soap service but I can't resolve it. The second error is concerned the Resources project that has the App_GlobalResources package.
Please help me to fix these errors. I think it's ABC in programming.