How can i render ngx-quill editor content from my database to a view component?

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I'm working on an angular blog app that uses ngx-quill as a text editor. I had no trouble adding records to my database. the problem occurs when I try to render content, it's not showing the data.

this is my details-post component HTML where I want to show content:

<article class="post" *ngIf="post$ | async as post; else loading">
<div class="post-thumbnail" style="background-image: url(&quot;;);" >
  <h1 class="post-title">{{ post.titlePost }}</h1>
  <div class="post-meta">February 20, 2020</div>

<div class="blog-post-content">
  {{ post.contentPost }}


<ng-template #loading>
  <div class="container-spinner">


There are 2 answers

MrRobot On

For ngx-quill you have to either use their own directive:

<quill-view [content]="content" format="text" theme="snow"></quill-view>

or innerHTML. More info here

<div class="ql-container ql-snow" style="border-width: 0;">
  <div class="ql-editor" [innerHTML]="byPassedHTMLString">

I would suggest using their own directive.


Abu Torab On

use "quill-view-html" component provided by ngx-quill editor. Add your content that you got from db in [content]="your content", check all the configaration here (go to bottom of the page).

<quill-view-html class="mobile-preview-content" [content]="post.contentPost" theme="snow" sanitize="true"></quill-view-html>